Get An Online Car Title Loan In Tempe
It can be challenging to pay for urgent expenses when you're short on cash and constantly turned down for a personal loan because of bad credit. One lending option in Tempe is a title loan that allows you to tap into your vehicle's equity. A title loan can be helpful if you need to borrow cash within a few days but don't have the credit score required for a low interest personal loan. Your car, truck, or motorcycle will be collateral for a loan, and the balance will be repaid monthly over 1 to 5 years. Not only can title loans fund quickly, but good credit is not required, and all 2010 or newer vehicles will qualify as security.
Desert Title Loans can take your application online or over the phone at 623-526-5001. We'll find you a local lender to underwrite and fund the loan in less than one business day. There's no real need for a credit check when you tap into your car's equity, and some customers in Tempe can borrow up to $20,000 with a title loan primarily based on their car's value.
Requirements For A Car Title Loan In Tempe
You must have a car completely paid off with a clear title. That means you can't owe money to any lender, and the vehicle's pink slip is clear of any lienholders or cosigners.
You must show proof of residency within Arizona and have a valid driver's license or state-issued identification card.
You must prove that the vehicle has insurance coverage and is registered in Arizona.
The car must pass a quick inspection to verify its current condition and ensure no mechanical or interior damage. At this time, we can also obtain the VIN and odometer readings.
There may be a few other underwriting requirements in Tempe, but these vary based on your lender and the loan amount you requested. An underwriter will likely call your employer to verify that you still work there. Even though you can sometimes qualify for a title loan without a job, income verification is often needed, as you must show that the entire loan amount can be paid back with each monthly payment. You'll also need a valid checking account with direct deposit to make the monthly payments.
That's all you need to qualify for a title loan! There are no significant credit requirements, and you won't have to wait days to hear how much you can borrow. If your car meets these qualifications and you live in or near Tempe, we can help secure cash for your vehicle's title with no hassle approval from Desert Title Loans.
Fast Approval For A Bad Credit Title Loan
Bad credit doesn't mean you will be denied funding from a title loan company in Tempe, AZ. The main requirement is always going to be a vehicle that doesn't have any liens or loans attached to the pink slip. Lenders will look past a negative credit score because they know that bad credit can happen to anyone. Many of our customers have FICO scores under 550 and still have trouble qualifying! Ultimately, your vehicle is the collateral for this secured loan and you can still be approved if you defaulted on a title loan or registration loan in the past. A poor credit score or record of bankruptcy in Arizona may cause issues but will likely only lead to a lower loan amount.
Registration Loans In Tempe
Registration loans are an alternative way to borrow money using a vehicle registered in your name. Unlike title loans, you don't need to put up the vehicle as collateral; instead, your car's registration is used to secure the loan amount. Most people can qualify with minimal underwriting requirements. People turn to registration loans to borrow $1,500 or less with a repayment term of 1 to 6 months. These loans are popular in Tempe because you don't risk losing your vehicle to a repossession, and they can be funded quickly. All we need is your vehicle's registration info to get started and you may be able to get cash that same day.
Get Your Cash After Being Approved For A Vehicle Title Loan In Tempe
This is the best part about applying for an online title loan in the City Of Tempe. The process is lightning-fast, and the funding time is much quicker when compared to other unsecured loans. Generally speaking, cash can be deposited into your checking account the next business day after approval. Sometimes, you can pick up cash in person at one of many offices throughout Tempe. There are a handful of title loan companies with offices right next to ASU, and the rest are located right off University Drive, which is also in Tempe. Be sure that any company you work with follows the Arizona title lending laws and regulations.
Start An Application With Desert Title Loans!
Apply online with Desert Title Loans without leaving your home or office! Complete the form at the top of this page and provide basic information about yourself, including your vehicle's year, make, model, and mileage. We will contact you after underwriting your application to secure your loan amount request and break down the estimated payment, APR and repayment term. Some customers can qualify for up to $20,000 for higher-value vehicles in Tempe with fewer miles! Call Desert Title Loans at 623-526-5001 or apply online to get a title loan or registration loan in Tempe!
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